Event catering, Weddings, Parties & celebrations.

Party & Celebration Catering

What an amazing job you did!!!!!  Thank you so much - everyone loved it. The food was amazing: the staff were wonderful - I was enjoying myself so much, clearly relaxed as you had everything in hand. It was perfect Sue - thank your team for me. Great to meet you - your attentiveness was remarkable and clearly paid off.  


Asking friends and family to join you to celebrate a special occasion can be very exciting and we can help take the stress out of planning, organising and hosting the event.

We cater for:

  • Anniversaries
  • Birthdays
  • Christenings
  • Canapé parties
  • After wedding
  • Parties
  • BBQ's
  • Christmas parties
  • Remembrance gatherings

Parties, celebrations and gatherings can be hosted in many different ways with a variety of styles of food to choose from:

  • High tea
  • Finger buffet
  • BBQ
  • Hot fork buffet
  • Bowl food
  • Cold fork buffet
  • Canapés
  • Seated

We can prepare the food and deliver it to your home or venue or attend the event with our team of trained professional staff. We can set up, lay tables, serve drinks, hand round canapés, assist guests at a buffet table or serve courses to the tables and clear away afterwards leaving you and your guests to relax and have the best time.

If required we can advise and obtain quotes for the hire of equipment such as chairs and tables, linen, glassware, crockery and cutlery.